At Glenwood School, we recognise that many of our pupils may have significant sensory processing needs and that they can struggle with certain styles of clothing or the textures of fabrics. We know that, in order to be regulated and ready to learn, our young people need to be comfortable and happy. Therefore, we are flexible in our approach to school uniform and all items are optional. Parents should note that due to the nature of our multi–sensory curriculum, learners may engage in messy or sensory play and so ‘best clothes and shoes’ are not recommended for wear in school. We ask that learners wear shoes that fit well, are safe and comfortable; preferably ones that they can learn to put on and off themselves. Outside learning is an integral part of our curriculum so young people should bring a warm coat into school. Wellies would also be beneficial for certain activities.
School Uniform
Branded Glenwood School Uniform can be purchased from Glenwood School - Penn UK but this is completely optional. Parents are welcome to purchase school uniform items from high street retailers.
Once a half term, a Uniform Shop will be hosted in the school office to allow families to purchase second- hand uniform items.
We ask, where possible, that learners adhere to the below uniform:

This uniform applies to the whole school year, however in extreme weather conditions please use your best judgement to choose appropriate clothing for your young person.
Where possible please ensure items are labelled with your young person’s name, this includes coats and bags.
More information on our school uniform can be found in our School Uniform Policy on our policies page.