Therapies Hub
At Glenwood School we are very fortunate to have links with a variety of professionals and Therapists. These professionals provide a link between the class teams and families to support both parties to meet the young person’s specific needs in the most effective and realistic ways possible. We draw on the expertise of Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists (including those who specialise in Sensory Regulation), Music Therapists, Physiotherapists and specialist teachers who support young people with visual, hearing or multi-sensory impairments. These professionals work with our class teams to enable us to provide the right support for young people at Glenwood.

Therapists at Glenwood work in partnership with our teachers and LSAs to develop their skills, design programmes and create activities that offer our learners exactly what they need. The use of their expertise alongside the knowledge of staff teams who know the individual young person very well, allows us to put strategies in place within the classroom to achieve the maximum impact.
The Therapists and other professionals support us to review these strategies regularly, in conjunction with our families, so that we are continually ensuring that we are ‘getting it right’ for our learners and that what we are doing reflects their current needs and stage of development. Once young people join us, our small class sizes and bespoke curriculum all help to ensure the individuals needs are met.
Whilst we are lucky to benefit from some specialist sensory spaces we are very careful in how we use these to meet the identified needs of the young person. We only use these spaces to meet specific needs which we cannot meet in any other way and always with the aim that one day these specialist spaces will no longer be necessary and the learner’s needs can be met in more accessible and sustainable ways within their homes and the community.