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Exam Results

Achieving at Glenwood

At Glenwood we recognise that children and young people with learning difficulties have unique abilities and ways of learning. When considering the curriculum and classroom environment every next step must be part of a functional and meaningful path for that young person, not part of a pre-programmed or linear route. Formative assessment at Glenwood is woven through our curriculum offer; progress is reported and evidenced to parents regularly in terms of their journey from starting point, achievement needs to be illustrated according to what makes most sense to the learner and their family. We speak to parents through regular Learning Conversations, then complete formal Reflections on progress and next steps.

Our class teams plan for progression setting personalised targets creating a strong link with EHCP outcomes. We think about the ‘Big Picture’, key priorities and future outcomes, putting strategies in place to equip them with skills that will lead to a future where they can be happy, communicate and be as independent as possible.

When planning and decision making each classroom teams assess, plan and review learning draws on a range of information including.

  • Evidence for Learning App

  • Annual Reviews

  • Education, Health and Care Plans

  • Outcomes

  • Transition Plans

  • Annual Reports

  • Short term targets

  • Case studies

  • Reports from external professionals such as therapists


We communicate frequently with external agencies, parents and carers listening to all the voices around the young person to ensure we are all working together towards the next steps for that particular learner. Specific Assessment tools are used in line with what needs to be measured.

We recognise the need to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is prioritised, pertinent and wholly appropriate to the needs of the young person. This means that a broad and balanced curriculum means different things for different learners. Time in full-time education is limited and precious, and we are duty bound not to waste it. There is no single curriculum that suits all our learners and no ‘set’ of subject areas.

Please see the link below to Government Exam and Assessment Data:

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